My name is Roberto Russo. The first program I typed was a BASIC graphics demo; I was 11 and I hacked it from my Commodore 128 User manual. Just after that, WarGames (1983) made the rest. Since than, software construction is the activity that bring me joy.

At first I focused on videogame programming, especially physics and realistic simulation. Than the object-oriented paradigm, conceptual data modeling (ontology engineering), praxis of large software craftsmanship, UML outlines, design patterns, design of relational databases, normal forms, data mining, machine learning, software configuration management, performance profiling.

Besides that, I’m passionately interested in information security (computer forensic, cryptography, steganography, MITMA, eavesdropping, vulnerability assesment, etc) and the human factors of software development (being an avid reader of Steve McConnell, Tom De Marco, Ed Yourdon, Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood.)

I’ve a strong aptitude – and desire – to learn and adapt to new technologies and processes; in my spare time my main interests are rc-car building and tuning, photography and music (all computer aided- too).

Specialties: object-oriented design, API design, software construction, DevOps;
Languages: C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Python, SQL, bash, many others;
OS: Linux, RHEL, Oracle VM Server virtualization infrastructure, Windows, Android;
RDBMS: RDS, Redshift, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite;
NoSQL: Redis, Coherence, RocksDB, DynamoDB, MongoDB;
Data streaming: Kafka, Kinesis (Data Streams, Firehose);
Cloud: AWS, EKS, CDK, Lambda, S3, SNS, SQS, EFS, ECS, EC2, X-Ray, Terraform, Vagrant, GitLab, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm;
Containerization: Docker, Docker Compose, LocalStack;
Container orchestration: Kubernetes, Helm, K3D;
Enterprise Integration: WSO2 EI, Synapse, Camel;
Big data: Hadoop, Spark, Parquet;
Telemetry: MQTT, RabbitMQ, IoT Core;
SCM: Git, BitBucket, CodeCommit;
PM: Jira, XRay, Confluence;
Tools: UML, EFK stack , CLI for Microsoft 365, Selenium, Drupal, Qt;
Issue tracking: Jira XRay, Trello, Redmine.
