Asteroids Z: multiplayer space combat

Asteroids Z is an upcoming multiplayer Asteroids with retro-enhanced vector graphics and many ships to choose with different physics-based trade-off attributes. Heavy starship with big guns vs swifty Cobra MK2: who will win?

Technical preview

The game is in his early development stage. A technical preview is available. Stay tuned for upcoming updates!

Screenshoot (macOS)

Android technical preview

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Lately after a long break from side projects I started developing a full featured multiplayer, real-physics-based, 2D space combat simulator: Asteroids-Z.
After more than a decade of prevailing professional C++ programming how I made it? In Java of course; maybe to show me that it is possible to write good performance software in Java as well crap-performance software in C++ (too many people think C++ alone is a performance panacea.)


The game is written mostly in Java and run on Android, iOS, WebGL (browser), macOS, Windows and Linux.

The server is written in Java and is designed making use of fast-paced multi-player techniques such as client-side prediction, authoritative server reconciliation, entity interpolation and lag compensation.

The server run on the Amazon AWS GameLift infrastructure for ease of scale-on-demand.

The game will be on Google Play and Apple Store. Windows and macOS downloads are available on

The development workflow is fully automated thanks to GitLab: SCM, CI/CD, unit testing, code coverage, issue tracking, releases.
